Category Archives: READING


Please read Luhmann – Panoramic History and be prepared to discuss on Tuesday (March. 18th). We will begin exploring moving images by testing and constructing panoramic images. These images will be constructed using the Corderie Model and your film clip. All the work you have made this semester forms part of an ongoing series and is a relevant part of your experience with the construction and assembly of digital images.

Due on Tuesday, March 18th.

READ!!! Luhmann – Panoramic History

Film Director: In 200 words describe why the film clip and director you have chosen to share are evidence of a compelling method of “seeing” and constructing images. Please be specific and use the discussions we have had about focal point, image depth, composition, scale, light, etc.

Film Clip (max. 2:00 minutes / min. 1:00 minute). Email me a link to your film clip or bring a DVD or computer to show your film clip.





a. Six (6) Collage Background Check images.

Printed 8.5″ x 11″, landscape orientation, no white edges. The physical scale of the model CANNOT change in any of the six images. Only the placement and location of the model relative to its environment may change. Do NOT apply any effects, filters, or any other manipulation techniques in photoshop.

b. Your most organized (or only) Photoshop (PSD) file to share with the class.

c. Read Digital Deception and be prepared to discuss.

ARCH 431 Background Check- 3


Hemeroscopium House Model (Ensemble Studio) + Red Desert Still (Michelangelo Antonioni)